Category Archives: Collaboration

#LivingSugarFree PSA: These Are Not Entry Level Careers

#LivingSugarFree PSA:
These Are Not Entry Level Careers

1. Coach
2. President
3. Mayor
4. Doctor
5. Speaker
6. Counselor
7. Pastor
8. Consultant
9. Producer
10. Governor
11. Judge
12. Therapist
13. Guru
14. Sage
15. Sansai

Taking advice, supporting, endorsing or otherwise investing in people with these titles?

If so, you better damn well know what they did before and if they were any good at it. Not to mention their reputation for service and integrity.

I could have made the list shorter to avoid redundency or longer to make it dumby proof. But I think you get the point.

Let’s discuss it…éaRaquel

In The Right Place At The Right Time! | #HumpdayShift

#LivingSugarFree #TXNL

Shake it up, shake it off and keep it movin’!

The Sugar Free Coach is always in exactly the the right place at exactly the right time…

Wondering how? Here are a few best practices:

1. Don’t worry about folks’ opinions … especially bullys.  

So what if they call you weird & scary!

2. Do you!

Embrace your weirdness and do something scary.

3. Love your haters…  

From a distance if necessary, and with rebuke when prompted.

Let’s discuss it…éaRaquel

Talking Over Your Own Head | You Might Be A PorchMonkey

#LivingSugarFree #PMPSA:

I understand that the only business some folks have online is to ride on the content of others and that’s okay. But you look like an idiot if you comment on a post, blog or send a private message criticizing someone  or worse attempting to educate them, because of a post they made to spark discussion. You will look like a bigger idiot, if you did it cowardly in secret and they make your post public.

Not only that (and you probably don’t care about this or you wouldn’t be doing it this way)… giving unsolicited, unfounded advice can be very dangerous. How do you know if your advice will help or hurt if you have no foundation for it except your own bias and opinion?


If you don’t understand Marketing and/or business in general, let me help you.
Either play along for the sake of discussion, be supportive, ad value, or keep your mouth shut and avoid looking like a fool.

International networking:
Do u think or just talk when dealing with various cultures & languages? Pause if u don’t get it, translate, and think or ask. The jokes is always on you if you’re rude and then wrong due to language barrier and assumptions. The real tip here is don’t try to loard yourself over strangers just because you think they will take it.

Welcome to Living Sugar Free, it’s tight but it’s right.

That is all.

Let’s discuss it…éaRaquel